The ROSWELL incident the original film document now on CD-ROM and Video CD According to eye-witness reports, a UFO crashed near the town Roswell, New Mexico (USA), in 1947. Bodies of dead aliens were reported to have been found near the wreckage. The U.S. Air Force carried out an investigation under the strictest conditions of secrecy. A post mortem was supposely carried out on the alien bodies and filmed. This film was recently discovered through pure coincidence against the will of the U.S. authorities and statutory regulations. The actual findings of the investigation into the Roswell incident have been kept firmly under lock and key by the American authorities until the present day. On August 28, these documents were premiered worldwide on TV. In addition to the film clips, this CD-ROM also contains a chronology of the events in 1947 and presents various interpretations towards the existence of alien life forms. As much as the authenticity of these documents can be doubted - the more you occupy yourself with the Roswell incident, the more implausible the official denials of the government agencies become. However curios one may be: Before you watch the film resp. buy the CD, BEWARE of that this CD contains film material showing the autopsy of an unknown creature and may be found physically and ethically offensive. The Video CD can be played on a CDi-Player or an IBM-compatible PC with a MPEG-card. Art.-Nr. ROM 55001 Roswell: The Original (Video CD Version). Recommended retail price: DM 69,95 (incl. VAT) The PC Video CD-ROM is available for PC-Windows 3.1 and requires an IBM-compatible PC (486, 4MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, VGA-graphics card and optionally soundcard). Art.-Nr. ROM 55002 Roswell: The Original (PC Video Version). Recommended retail price: DM 69,95 (incl. VAT) Further, there is a PC Photo CD-ROM version available for PC-Windows 3.1 and requires an IBM-compatible PC (386, 4MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, VGA-graphics card and optionally soundcard). Art.-Nr. ROM 55003 Roswell: The Original (PC Photo Version). Recommended retail price: DM 69,95 (incl. VAT) Available in assorted retail stores or directly at ROMWARE (phone (++)-49-40-89958-0, telefax (++)-49-40-89958-112). ROSWELL CD-ROMs ORDER FORM -------------------------- OUR COORDINATES -------------- Please mail this order form to: ROMWARE GmbH Mendelssohnstrasse 15 d 22761 Hamburg Germany Fax: 00 49 40 899 58 112 CompuServe: 100101,407 Internet: 100101, YOUR ORDER ---------- [ ] ROM 55001 (Video CD Version) [ ] ROM 55002 (PC Video Version) [ ] ROM 55003 (PC Photo Version) PAYMENT OPTIONS --------------- Terms: Payment by prepayment 1) Cheque to the above address or 2) Credit transfer Pay to: ROMWARE GmbH Bank: Deutsche Bank Hamburg Bank Code: 200 700 00 Account No: 614 360 600 Include: Roswell-CD-ROM Price: DM 69,95 Shipping and handling: DM 15,- ------------ Total: DM 84,95 YOUR COORDINATES ---------------- NAME: ______________________________ COMPANY: ____________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE: ________________ CITY: _________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________ FAX: ________________________________ COUNTRY: _________________________ DATE: __________________